Pricing and Fees
CPR offers a highly competitive fee structure for the wide range of services it provides.
Request for Neutrals’ Bios
Administered Arbitration
Employment Arbitration
Non-administered Arbitration and Appointing Services
A La Carte Services
Employment-Related Mass Claims Protocol
(Links above will take you to each section)
Payment of filing fees may be made online at the time of filing. If you need to use another form of payment, please contact prior to completing the Intake Form. For any other payments, parties may pay by credit card, check, or ACH. Please contact your case administrator for payment instructions. Checks should be made payable to The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Inc.
Full Service Mediation
Except as provided below, all Mediations, including Franchise and UNCITRAL mediations: $825 non-refundable deposit; $1,650 total selection fee. The fee covers the CPR full vetting process, which includes a conference call with the parties to help CPR develop a list of nominees who will be vetted for conflicts purposes and from which the parties can choose their mediator.
Expedited Mediator Appointment
Streamlined Mediator Appointment: For disputes where the parties wish CPR to choose a mediator for them after having submitted a Request for a Streamlined Appointment. CPR will make the selection based on the information provided by the parties and vet the candidate for conflicts purposes before the appointment: $375/party payable up front.
Flat Fee Mediation Program: For disputes filed with CPR with less than $500,000 at issue, users may opt to have their matter mediated for a flat fee of $3,500, to be split among the parties. This amount will entitle the user to one day of mediation (up to 10 hours, including preparation). Thereafter, an hourly rate of $350 will apply, representing a significant discount from the rates normally charged by CPR’s experienced panelists for a mediation.
Request for Neutrals’ Bios
Curated List of Neutral Bios: A request based on geographic area, specialty panel(s) or other criteria. A non-refundable fee of $1,500.
For a Vetted List of Neutral Candidates, see the "Appointment under Non-Administered Arbitration or UNCITRAL Rules" section, below.
Administered Arbitration
A non-refundable filing fee (payable in advance by claimant with Request for arbitration) of $1,750 is required.
Amount of Claim and Counterclaim | Non-Refundable Filing Fee |
Administrative Fee* | Total |
Less than $150,000 | $1,750 | $2,250 | $4,000 |
$150,000 to less than $300,000 | $1,750 | $2,250 | $4,000 |
$300,000 to less than $500,000 | $1,750 | $3,750 | $5,500 |
$500,000 to less than $1 million | $1,750 | $5,250 | $7,000 |
$1 million to less than $2 million | $1,750 | $6,750 | $8,500 |
$2 million to less than $5 million | $1,750 | $8,250 | $10,000 |
$5 million to less than $10 million | $1,750 | $10,250 | $12,000 |
$10 million to less than $25 million | $1,750 | $14,250 | $16,000 |
$25 million to less than $50 million | $1,750 | $16,250 | $18,000 |
$50 million to less than $100 million | $1,750 | $18,250 | $20,000 |
$100 million to less than $300 million | $1,750 | $22,250 | $24,000 |
$300 million to less than $500 million | $1,750 | $26,250 | $28,000 |
Above $500 million | $1,750 | $32,250 | $34,000 |
Declaratory Relief | $1,750 | $3,750 | $5,500 |
Please note that fees are based on the total amount in controversy, including all claims and counterclaims.
*Administrative Fee is based on the delivery of the final award by the Tribunal to CPR for review within 12 months after the Rule 9.3 Pre-hearing Conference. Thereafter, CPR may charge an additional administrative fee of $2,000 for each additional 6 month period.
CPR reserves the right to impose an upcharge to cover its costs whenever the acts, omissions or requests of parties to a matter require administrative support that, in the discretion of CPR, materially exceeds the ordinary course of support provided as part of its services.
Administered Employment Arbitration
Fees for matters pursuant to Administered Employment Arbitration and not related to the Employment Related Mass Claims Protocol, this fee schedule shall apply. (See further down for the fees subject to the Mass Claims Protocol).
For Individual Persons filing as Claimant:
Individual claimant: $250 filing fee (non-refundable).
Company respondent: $1500 filing fee (non-refundable) and the full Administrative Fee.
Unless your contract provides otherwise, and to the extent the Due Process Protections apply, the individual claimant filing a claim will not be required to pay more than the amount required to file a claim in a court that would otherwise have jurisdiction over the claim. If CPR's fee of $250 is higher than this amount, please contact CPR with proof of the lesser amount, and the invoice will be adjusted accordingly. Respondent company will pay the balance of the Individual claimant filing fee, along with their fee of $1,500 and the full Administrative Fee.
Please note: Indigent claimants may be entitled to a fee waiver. California residents requesting a fee waiver, please fill out this form. Others necessitating a fee waiver, please fill out this form. Note: If your income is more than 300% of the federal poverty level, your hardship request will likely not be approved. Send forms together with your filing to
For Companies filing as Claimant:
Company claimant: $1750 filing fee (non-refundable) and the full Administrative Fee.
Individual respondent: no fee.
Amount of Claim | Individual Person Filing Fee |
Company Claimant Filing Fee |
Administrative Fee* | Total |
Less than $150,000 | $250 | $1,750 | $1,250 | $3,000 |
$150,000 to less than $300,000 | $250 | $1,750 | $2,250 | $4,000 |
$300,000 to less than $500,000 | $250 | $1,750 | $3,750 | $5,500 |
$500,000 to less than $1 million | $250 | $1,750 | $5,250 | $7,000 |
$1 million to less than $2 million | $250 | $1,750 | $6,750 | $8,500 |
$2 million to less than $5 million | $250 | $1,750 | $8,250 | $10,000 |
$5 million to less than $10 million | $250 | $1,750 | $10,250 | $12,000 |
$10 million to less than $25 million | $250 | $1,750 | $14,250 | $16,000 |
$25 million to less than $50 million | $250 | $1,750 | $16,250 | $18,000 |
$50 million to less than $100 million | $250 | $1,750 | $18,250 | $20,000 |
$100 million to less than $300 million | $250 | $1,750 | $22,250 | $24,000 |
$300 million to less than $500 million | $250 | $1,750 | $26,250 | $28,000 |
Above $500 million | $250 | $1,750 | $32,250 | $34,000 |
Declaratory Relief | $250 | $1,750 | $3,750 | $5,500 |
Note: If CPR's fee of $250 is higher than the amount required in the court that would otherwise have jurisdiction over the claim, please contact CPR with notice of the amount, and the invoice will be adjusted accordingly. Respondent company will pay the balance of the Individual Person filing fee, along with their fee of $1,500 and the full Administrative Fee.
Please note that fees are based on the total amount in controversy, including all claims and counterclaims.
*Administrative Fee is based on the delivery of the final award by the Tribunal to CPR for review within 12 months after the Rule 9.3 Pre-hearing Conference. Thereafter, CPR may charge an additional administrative fee of $2,000 for each additional 6 month period.
CPR reserves the right to impose an upcharge to cover its costs whenever the acts, omissions or requests of parties to a matter require administrative support that, in the discretion of CPR, materially exceeds the ordinary course of support provided as part of its services.
Appointment under Non-Administered Arbitration or UNCITRAL Rules
Value of Matter (as reflected in a demand for damages or determined at CPR’s discretion) | Non-Refundable Filing Fee (Applied Against Full Fee) |
Full Fee for Selection of Single Arbitrator/Neutral | Full Fee for Selection ofThree Arbitrators |
Less than $150,000 | $1,250 | $3,000 | $4,000 |
$150,000 to less than $300,000 | $1,250 | $3,000 | $4,000 |
$300,000 to less than $500,000 | $1,250 | $4,000 | $5,000 |
$500,000 to less than $1 million | $1,250 | $5,000 | $6,000 |
$1 million to less than $2 million | $1,250 | $5,000 | $7,000 |
$2 million to less than $5 million | $1,250 | $7,000 | $9,000 |
$5 million to less than $10 million | $1,250 | $8,000 | $10,000 |
$10 million to less than $25 million | $1,250 | $9,000 | $11,000 |
$25 million to less than $50 million | $1,250 | $10,000 | $12,000 |
$50 million to less than $100 million | $1,250 | $11,000 | $13,000 |
$100 million to less than $300 million | $1,250 | $12,000 | $14,000 |
$300 million to less than $500 million | $1,250 | $13,000 | $15,000 |
Above $500 million | $1,250 | $14,000 | $16,000 |
Declaratory Relief | $1,250 | $4,000 | $5,000 |
CPR reserves the right to impose an upcharge to cover its costs whenever the acts, omissions or requests of parties to a matter require administrative support that, in the discretion of CPR, materially exceeds the ordinary course of support provided as part of its services. |
Refund Schedule for both Administered and Non-Administered Arbitration
75% of fee (minus any non-refundable deposit paid) refunded for cases settled or withdrawn prior to candidate vetting.
50% of fee (minus any non-refundable deposit paid) refunded for cases settled or withdrawn prior to candidate nomination.
After candidate nomination for Non-Administered cases, no portion of the fee will be refunded or subject to credit-card chargeback. For Administered cases refunds will be at CPR's discretion, which will turn on the timing and circumstances of the refund request.
A La Carte Services
Challenge of an Arbitrator in a Non-Administered Case
Non-Refundable Filing Fee |
Administrative Fee |
Full Fee |
Cases up to $100 million | $1,750 | $2,100 | $3,850 |
Cases over $100 million | $2,750 | $3,100 | $5,850 |
Administrative Fee is payable if arbitrator does not voluntarily withdraw once notified of the filed Challenge. |
Other Services
Non-Refundable Filing Fee (Applied Against Full Fee) |
Full Fee for Selection of Single Arbitrator/Neutral | Full Fee for Selection of Three Arbitrators | |
Special/Emergency Arbitrator | $2,000 | TBD based on neutral’s fees | |
Appellate Panel | $1,250 | $4,000 | |
Mock Arbitrator or Tribunal | $1,250 | $3,000 | $4,000 |
Early Neutral Evaluation | $1,250 | $3,000 | N/A |
Dispute Resolution Boards | $1,250 | $3,000 | $4,000 |
Mini-trial | $1,250 | $3,000 | $4,000 |
Deal Facilitation | $1,250 | $3,000 | N/A |
Fundholding or a la carte administrative services: a filing fee of $1,250 for up to 3 hours for preparation of documents and set up of Fundholding Agreement; additional hours billed at hourly rate of $400/hr.
Employment-Related Mass Claims Protocol
For arbitrations subject to the Employment-Related Mass Claims Protocol, this fee schedule shall govern and supersede the fee structure set forth above for Administered and Non-Administered claims unless otherwise indicated.
CPR strongly advises that Employers considering including the Protocol in their dispute resolution clause provide CPR with a copy of the ADR clause so that CPR can confirm that it is consistent with CPR’s Due Process Protections.
Initiation Fee |
1-1000 cases $10,000 1001-2000 cases $15,000 additional $2000 per 1000 |
Appointment Fee - Company | $1,650/Case |
Appointment Fee - Individual Claimant |
$150 |
Mediation Administrative Fee | $10,000 |
If the amount to file an individual claim in a court that would otherwise have jurisdiction over the claim is less than $150, the individual claimant will pay the lower amount, or if the individual claimant has been approved for a hardship waiver, the company will pay the balance up to $1,800.
Refund Schedule for Appointment Fee under the Employment-Related Mass Claims Protocol (“ERMCP”)
75% of fee refunded for cases settled or withdrawn prior to Claimant’s nomination of candidates.
50% of fee refunded for cases settled or withdrawn prior to candidate querying.
After candidate querying for cases under the ERMCP, no portion of the fee will be refunded or subject to credit-card chargeback.
All other fees under the ERMCP are non-refundable subject to CPR’s discretion, which will turn on the timing and circumstances of the refund request.
CPR reserves the right to impose an upcharge to cover its costs whenever the acts, omissions or requests of parties to a matter require administrative support that, in the discretion of CPR, materially exceeds the ordinary course of support provided as part of its services.
Checks should be made payable to The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Inc.