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Become a CPR Neutral

In evaluating applications, CPR considers candidates’ education, experience with commercial or consumer matters, ADR training, ADR experience, references and, where appropriate, substantive experience in a given field:

  • Experience as a neutral: applicants will be required to list the number of times they have sat as an arbitrator or mediator, or provide a detailed accounting of experience with ADR that has prepared them to sit as an arbitrator or mediator, and provide references from someone who can speak to their skill as an arbitrator or mediator (e.g. counsel who have sat before them on a matter, co-arbitrators or co-mediators, etc.).
  • Substantive experience: applicants applying to any subject-matter panel will be required to provide a statement detailing their qualifications for the specified panel (e.g. percent of time spent in training or practice in that area, description of cases handled, etc.). Please note that some specialty panels will require additional information as well.

We strive for geographic and other diversity. All CPR neutrals are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards as set out by the governing ethical codes and rules. 

CPR’s database is open to the public, although some aspects of your neutral profile are visible only to CPR Case Staff.  Users have online access 24/7 to the CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals and use it to select neutrals not only in CPR cases, but also in cases under other institutions’ rules.


To apply to be a CPR Neutral, please prepare your completed application, consisting of the following:

  • your completed application form (Apply Online Here)
  • a cover letter explaining your experience with complex commercial matters,
  • two to four letters of reference (see Step 6 of the application - two required each for mediator and arbitrator application),
  • and a processing fee of US $150.00 + US $50 per specialty panel you wish to be considered for (CPR can provide a payment link for credit card payments).

APPLY online


In an effort to continue to diversify its Panel, CPR has opened an additional pathway to become part of the CPR Global Panel, for those neutrals who reside outside the United States of America. This pathway is intended to streamline the process and accommodate a greater range of applicants. (Please note that this is not a requirement for Global Applicants. Any neutral applicants outside the USA may still apply via the above general application method.)  

To apply via the Global Applicant path, please follow these steps:

STEP 1: Send two Letters of reference from members of CPR’s International Advisory Boards (for a list of members, please click: Brazilian Advisory Board, European Advisory Board, Canadian Advisory Board).

These reference letters should include the following:

  • Information about the Applicant’s skills which would support their work as a neutral
  • Information about their experience and how they acquired their skills
  • Information about their style as a neutral
  • Information on any subject matter expertise

STEP 2: Send a resume detailing the Neutral’s experience in complex commercial or other business-related matters

STEP 3: Send the processing fee of US $150.00 (CPR can provide a payment link for credit card payments)

Please send all the documents via email to

Note regarding CPR's Neutral Annual Fee: Panelists residing outside the USA are not assessed an annual administrative fee.


In an effort to expand and diversify its Panel, CPR has opened additional pathways for neutrals to become a part of the CPR Employment Arbitration Panels and Employment Related Mass Claims Master List. This pathway is intended to streamline the process and accommodate a greater range of applicants. Neutral applicants who wish to be included on a broader range of matters and included on other substantive panels should apply via the general application method, above).

For information on how to apply, see the following instructions: Alternative Pathways for Employment Panel.

Employment Pathways Applicants should apply via the Online Application | Click Here


Note regarding CPR's Neutral Annual Fee: Panelists added to the Employment Panels (either the Employment Arbitration Panel or the Employment Related Mass Claims Panel) will not be assessed an annual administrative fee, but will have the fee of $395 charged when they are selected for their first matter. Panelists who request to be listed on any of CPR’s other substantive panels will be assessed the $395 annual neutral administrative fee.



Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and the time from application to decision can vary based on the number of applicants, the current caseload, and other factors.  Applications for any specialty panels can take longer to review but will not prevent the remainder of the application from being processed and reviewed. 

Once CPR has decided on the application, CPR will require a successful applicant to complete their biography/profile via the CPR Dispute Resolution Complete Case platform.