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Mia Levi

Vice President and Corporate Secretary, Dispute Resolution Services
CPR Dispute Resolution Services LLC
+1 646 753 8241


Mia Levi is the Vice President for CPR Dispute Resolution Services, a subsidiary of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution ("CPR").  Mia also serves as CPR Dispute Resolution's Corporate Secretary. In her role, she leads CPR’s Dispute Resolution Services and Panels department of CPR, helping put into practice the innovative tools generated by CPR’s think tank (the CPR Institute), overseeing CPR’s matter management, creating training and education in the field of ADR, and managing CPR’s Distinguished Panel of Neutrals.

Additionally, Mia is engaged with the CPR Institute's committee work, acting as staff liaison to the Energy, Oil and Gas committee and the Construction Committee, while working to ensure that the CPR Institute's work product transitions into the practice of CPR Dispute Resolution Services.

Mia is passionate about the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.  Prior to joining CPR, Mia held multiple positions with the American Arbitration Association – in the International Centre for Dispute Resolution and later in the Construction Division. She has authored several articles on the topic of dispute resolution, which have been published in various ADR and industry publications, including the ABA’s Business Law Today and GPSolo eReport, New York International Law Review, the AAA Dispute Resolution Journal, NASBP Surety Bond Quarterly, and LexisNexis LegalBlogger. Mia is also a trained mediator.  She began her mediation experience at Fordham University’s Mediation Clinic where she was a mediator at the New York City Small Claims Court in the Bronx.

Mia is actively engaged in advocating for the continued use of ADR through multiple bar associations.  Mia is the programming chair for the Dispute Resolution Committee of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section; Mia is co-chair of the International Dispute Resolution Committee of the New York State Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Section; and social media chair of the North America Sub-Committee of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations. She is dedicated to bringing diversity to ADR and has been involved in CPR’s many diversity efforts as well as co-Founding the Women's Construction Initiative. 

Prior to joining the AAA, Mia served as a Research Assistant for Judge William G. Bassler (Ret.), a former United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and adjunct professor at Fordham Law School in New York City. Mia received her J.D. from Fordham University School of Law and her B.A. from Brown University.   In addition to her native English and Serbian, Mia speaks Spanish and reads French and basic Catalan.