How CPR and Other ADR Providers are Responding to the Coronavirus
March 25, 2020
In Securities Arbitration Commentator's "Coronavirus and the ADR Providers – What You Need to Know," SAC, George Friedman interviewed leaders from the major national ADR institutions to gather information on how they are adjusting to COVID-19.
As CPR SVP, Dispute Resolution Services, Helena Tavares Erickson told SAC, "Cases are being administered by staff working from home. Most cases are non-administered, however, meaning relatively little staff participation after we assist the parties with neutral selection. Paper is no longer accepted, and documents must be filed online (we offer a secure, encrypted email option). Payments must be electronic."
"We are here for you," she added, speaking on behalf of CPR's entire Dispute Resolution Services staff. "Don’t hesitate to reach out to us."