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Laura Robertson, Deputy GC of ConocoPhillips, Discusses CPR's Young Lawyer's Rule

CPR's Olivier André, SVP, Global Development & International Initiatives interviews Laura Robertson, Deputy General Counsel of ConocoPhillips at CPR's 2020 Annual Meeting, about one of the most innovative new features of CPR 2019 Rules revisions, the Young Lawyer Rule, which aims to increase opportunities for junior lawyers to take a more active role in arbitration hearings—for example, by examining the witnesses they helped to prepare and presenting arguments on the papers they have drafted. Several federal judges around the country have adopted a rule, or have issued standing orders, toward the same end. CPR’s rule is discretionary and makes clear that, ultimately, the client and their counsel have the final say as to who represents the client at the hearing.


CPR 2020 Annual Meeting from CS Designworks on Vimeo.